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Old 04-10-2008, 02:11 AM   #5
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I have the best drugs for that..... Seriously.

Now, you should all know by now I am anti D-R-U-G..... But I have bad teeth and from time to time they cause me a lot of pain. I used to have a doctor, a dentist, who keep me pleasantly stocked with pain killers in the event of an emergency - And I can honestly say I never abused it.

While I was in Mexico once I got one of my toothaches and we just happened to have what's her name with me - That big breasted nurse hottie (I'm so not kidding!) and we went to the pharmacy there and she hooked me up with this wonder drug. It's similar to vicodin but also has some other stuff mixed up in it that kills infections. No matter what my problem is - even the flu - I take one of these, I'm high as a kite for six hours, and my health is restored the following morning.

Man, I get wordy some times.
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