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Old 04-15-2008, 09:45 AM   #1
Mosquito should edit this
Citizen X
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Arrow [for sale] 11 BYOT sites , current profit $700 a month

11 BYOT (Build Your Own Tour) sites for sale. Current profit is about $700 a month.
These sites will provide three times as much if you will take care of them (advertising on webmasters boards etc.).
The great advantage is that you needn’t do anything. You needn’t care of hosting and traffic to these sites. You will just get $5 for every signup made by anybody.
I sell these sites all together only.
I have no idea about appropriate price. So if you are interested just make your price offers. Sites will be sold to one who will make the best bid for it.

If you need more info or have offers contact me via email email@mastercross.us, or icq 63814174.
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