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Old 04-17-2008, 01:27 PM   #30
Stinger should edit this
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Originally Posted by 2MuchMark View Post
Hi Everyone,

If you have never played, Guitar Hero is a strangely addictive game. Its very fun, and it somehow makes you feel pretty cool even if you can't play real guitar.

A couple of months ago we decided to do a Guitar Hero: LIVE night at LiveCamNetwork.com. We made this banner:

Just to see what kind of interest we would attract, and it was surprising. Lots of people were asking how they could hook up and play or watch the LCN girls live.

So we took a part one of our studios and turned it into a Guitar Hero room. We hooked up a big LCD Screen so the girls could see the video chat, and then a project screen for the girls to see the game.

(Sorry, this picture is a little dark)

We made the night FREE for all visitors to the site, but made money by letting the customers by Shooters for the girls. The shooters were tequila, but in keeping with the Rock N Roll theme of the night, we calle them Heroin Shooters.

We used 2 computers, 1 Xboz, 2 Wireless Guitars, a sound mixer, a lighting mixer, and a freakin' loud sound system. (Fortunately we had all of this in stock so we didn't actually have to go out and buy anything).

We setup 2 stationary cameras, 2 roaming cameras (one was used mostly for low shots pointing up), and mixed them all together with a video mixer. We even had "stage lighting".

It was our first experiment broadcasting in Surround sound. Most everyone heard really good stereo sound, but some people who had sound boxes such as the Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live! with 4 or 5 speakers heard sound from all channels. The video was 30fps in wide screen, and looked great.

All in all the girls had a great time, and we sold about $2200 work of shooters in about 3 hours.

It was a big setup that I am in no hurry to repeat. The actual value of the night was made by giving the girls something new to do besides just chat. The customers really seemed to like it and there was lots of activity on our bbs for days afterwards. I'm in no hurry to do all that work again as I mentioned, but they definately want to do it again...

Guitar Hero Rawks!
Marketing Manager PornAccess / DVDBox
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