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Old 05-01-2008, 05:55 PM   #4
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I really enjoy music videos, even today, at least for most music. Lots of talent behind the video makers. Usually great direction, great editing, great art direction, etc.

However I am so FREAKIN sick and tired of Hip Hop and rap. Granted, the artists behind the camera are doing their best with yet another CRAPPY song to have to visualize, but how many more times can they shoot hoochies and chrome wheels and still call it Original? GLEAH I hate it all...

Best recent videos: "Come again" by Thornley:
Simple, but looks and sounds great. Amazing editing, direction. Video looks as "loud" as the song. Just a cool job all around.

"Smack my bitch up", Prodigy:
Coolest video of all time, period. Sex, Violence, and great surprise ending.

"Rock, DJ" by Robby Williams. (Best 90's video). (Is it from the 90's? )
Simple song, great video (watch it all the way through). Very surprised it ever made it to TV considering the uptight assholes that control what kids see these days..
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