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Old 05-05-2008, 10:13 AM   #16
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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Originally Posted by 2MuchMark View Post
I had a PDA from a company called ITC (I think), on the TELUS Network. The unit itself was ok, but the killer was the data charges.

Telus was the cheapest (and fastest it seemed) in wireless data, but I easily ran up $500 bills using it.

I forget the prices now, but whatever it was, you got maybe 5MB free. The rest was charged at a premium. Fuck.

In the US you can get unlmited data for a fixed monthly rate (about $70.00). I WISH They had that in Canada.

I am guessing that Apple will push Rogers to lower their data rates. With rates this high, no one will want to purchase iTunes content from Apple.

The iPhone looks cool - how is it for texting? I text alot even on my Motorola Krazr. Texting was much easier on the ITC with its qwety keyboard, but am guessing that texting on the Iphone's touch-sensitive screen is a headache. Is it?

Anyway, I will probably buy one anyway, just because they look great. Hopefully though by the time Rogers offers them, there will be a newer version that's flatter, better, faster, with longer battery life.

I dont think we are in for much cheaper data plans anytime soon. Canada will soon have 3 new Wireless carriers to choose from and one of the backers is Paul Allen (Microsoft) for one of the bids. They will come in with mega cheap data plans and I suspect an all you can eat plan. I think Rogers, Bell and Telus will compete with those prices to keep memberships up, the other companies will not get enough market share to sustain the lower data rates and either fold, get bought by one of the 3 in the monopoly and then....... rates go back up

I hope I'm wrong.. cuz I want to eat DATA damn it!
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