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Old 05-05-2008, 08:28 PM   #18
DonMike is I like toast
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This is horrific. People ask why she didn't try to escape but if she had been down there since she was 11, she would have had no idea what the outside world would be like. I saw this movie once called Bad Boy Bubbie, about a similar circumstance (although thankfully it was quite fictional in the movie), where a single mother convinced her son that the air outside was poison and he could never leave. She was mean and abusive and when she would leave the house she'd put on a gas mask. The movie starts when the guy is 35 years old but because of the years of mental, physical and sexual abuse he is a seriously messed up person. Towards the beginning he kills his mom and her boyfriend and escapes and the movie is all about how he deals with the world around him. Absolutely horrifying and quite disturbing, yet a fascinating movie. But no, I do not recommend it unless you have a strong stomach. It does make me wonder about this man and his daughter, and how messed up she is after living in a cellar her whole life.

This is one of those stories to think about when you're having a bad week and you think life is really crappy.
Don Mike
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