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Old 05-06-2008, 05:46 PM   #7
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I have the solution to your problem.

Drugs. (Seriously.)

When I'm in pain from a toothche it's no big deal. In fact, I look forward to them - because I can dope myself up on (legal) painkillers. Fun.

I have bad teeth and my dentists tend to keep me swimming in pain killers. It got the to the point where I would dope myself up to go to the dentist because I knew it was going to suck. One time I was going to have a lot of work done, so I took some pills before I left the house, jumped onto my bike, and took some when I got there. There was a wait in the office and it took them over an hour to get to me. When they called my name I stood up.....

And woke up five minutes later in the dentist chair covered with blood. Seems I stood up, passed out, hit the floor, and seriously cut myself.

Good times man.
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Skype rochardbuss
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