Originally Posted by Mister E
Damn Robert, I know what you are going through. Just before I met you guys a year ago (wow, exactly) I had a bike crash and it cost me most of my teeth.
It took me almost 5 months dealing with insurance and stuff, 16 K later I got my smile back.
Lost it last week, went into hospital for Crohn's tests...and had a fucking kidney stone.
These things shall (and did) pass.
Fuck just say no,,,
They gave me morphine. AM I ever glad I couldn't access that stuff during my drug days.
Ask for morphine...drink tons of water and let the christians through the stones.
(think I'm still feelin' the morph...)
You know - I may just do that next time if they demand it. Apparently I have kidneys shaped like a horseshoe so I am now prone to them. Im never going through that again.. screw them saying freezing is better LOL>
My brother has Crohns (I have ulcer colitis).. which just adds to the fun mixture. It makes you see life a bit kinder at times.
Today I am feeling a great deal better and although Im not dancing on any hilltops like in the sound of music - I can bbq a steak and enjoy it without much pain