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Thread: Fragrances
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Old 05-12-2008, 12:01 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default Fragrances

Firstly let me say that I think most perfumes smell horrible and I can't stand them. Literally 95% of them smell bad (in my opinion).

But my question is what the heck is up with every Tom Dick and Sally having their own personal "fragrance" nowadays? I was in Sears the other day and I noticed a new perfume out from Gwen Stefani. Gwen Stefani? Someone please enlighten me how she has the nerve to release her own line of perfume. It's bad enough that Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears, etc... have them. Is it an ego thing?

I can understand someone like Elizabeth Taylor with her own line of stinky spray. I mean, she has the track record and life experience.

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