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Old 05-15-2008, 07:07 PM   #1
Greg B
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Default Surprise to me that TIME Magazine linked to my blog

I was stunned to see the other day that TIME Magazine had linked to a blog of mine.

I was checking my stats and saw the story they were running that referenced to my blog. My blog is a mainstream blog covering a popular topic. I called and asked why and was told it was due to the fact my blog was pertinent to the story and my posts were professionally written and topical.

I've worked for TIME/Warner and AOL on and off for many, many years from working on the Batman comic books to working as security and content developement on AOL. I've lots of friends and family working there still so I thought it was one of them that put the link in.

It goes to show me again, especially for this one blog that every few months or so will get linked to by the major news services, that you just keep on writing and keep your blog lively. I'm not a major blogger but the blogs do at times leap to the fore. Glad I have Adsense on it!

Now a couple of other big websites and zines have linked too. Every little bit helps.
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