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Old 05-20-2008, 04:24 PM   #5
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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The guy who puts together a sex-with-statues site who's not into sex-with-statues himself... will fail.

But if he's into it, and learns his lessons and basics good, and has the balls to dream it all together and put it to market, he'll have something to offer a new niche or market of like-minded individuals who thought they were they only boners-for-granite types out there.

He had the imagination and the understanding to know that he can't be the only one out there who's into it.

Then there's just the original thinker who can breathe new life into the same-old-same-old....

If there is saturation it's more a question of vertical vs lateral growth and development.
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