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Old 05-23-2008, 10:38 AM   #17
2MuchMark is hiring
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Hi Connor -

Perhaps your right. Any show can be a good show I guess, but last year's was a disapointment to me because while I met existing clients, I walked out with no new ones. The highlights of the trip turned out not to be the show at all, but instead the Space Shuttle launch that was stunning to see in person, bar-hopping in Tampa (I forget the exact name of the area but it was cool) and an unplanned bonus night spent hot tubbing.

One thing I've learned about attending the shows is that it helps to contact the people you want to meet with in advance. Make a date for a meeting, dinner, pool-side chat, drink, whatever - this way you will get greater value out of the show.


ps: Claire you are a perv. A sexy, sexy, perv.
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