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Old 05-29-2008, 12:06 PM   #1
painful should edit this
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Default Hey everyone

Hi, it's been a few months since I've been on here and a lot has happened. I haven't been able to sell my site, but it might be for the best. A few weeks ago my wife decided the military life is stressing her out too much (threat of sending me to Iraq scares her) so she thinks it's in her best interest to divorce me, I guess to try to remove her emotions from the equation. Whether it works or not I'll probably never know. So, with no sex at night anymore, I have a ton more time to work on my website. I really need some help updating the site. I am buying Dreamweaver finally, I've been trying to use Microsofts Frontpage to do all my manipulation but it sucks donkey balls.

Can someone take a look at this TGP posting I put together and critique the hell out of it? I built it on FP, so I know it is kinda lame. Don't critique the actual content, just layout and file sizes and whatnot.

Ya, I know the dialog is cheesy, so sue me.

Also, is the real money to be made with a free site? After the bills are paid (we are splitting them up since she still is gonna live in the house for the kids), I have about $800 of money leftover to play with each month, not to mention my side job of painting motorcycles for the race track.

I was thinking of buying a nice camera and taking my own pics and movies, not of me, but of the hot women of Las Vegas where I live. There are tons of girls who are willing to do just about anything for some cash.

I need help please, I need to shift this into high gear! Thanks everyone.
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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