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Old 06-04-2008, 02:09 AM   #21
painful should edit this
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Ok, so I understand a bit more now, simplistic and easy on the eyes. Use brighter colors to make the mood happy, not gloomy. High quality pics, etc.

I just bought a new domain name, I am going to build my site myself (painful ecstasy was built for me)

Any tips on building a site from scratch? Any good hosts that won't rape me on cost but will leave me enough bandwidth that I don't get shut down the minute I start getting traffic. What program do you recommend using to build the site? I am planning on buying DreamWeaver this weekend, is it what I need?

I have a home server I have been playing with, it runs a Linux based OS and is basically a desktop converted. Is it more economical to purchase server space or a virtual dedicated server somewhere or could I run a website for a few months on my own server until I get some customer sign-ups?

Finally, what do you think of my new site address www.realteenfuck.com? think it could be good for some traffic?
The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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