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Old 06-12-2008, 12:40 AM   #1
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Cool Monster cock and gallons of JIZZ

Ok, so this new thing I see out there are these guys with cocks the size of my arm, and more than one guy usually, screwing some young girl and then shooting their load on her like a continuous firehose. It HAS to be fake. I know it is, but why do people believe this shit. I find it funny. If you notice, every single one the guy is constantly holding onto the base of his cock, and more times that not the guy is wearing pants, I assume to hide the fact that his schlong would fall off if he let go or you would be able to see the seam.

On top of that, the guy shoots so much jizz that he could fill a 2 liter bottle, and he's still standing afterwards.

My question to all of you, where can I get this fake cock that squirts? I want one for halloween!

Ha ha ha.
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