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Old 12-20-2002, 12:11 PM   #63
heqdvd should edit this
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: NYC - Harlem
Posts: 50
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Angry destroy wanadoo.fr?

Yes she's right on that one.

By the way:

what is


(obviously from france)

been getting repeated "underage" spam from there OVER AND OVER:

like this -
Some later they'll know adult life.
Some later the'll see a real world with tears and dirt.

Some later they'll know a taste of sexual kisses and fill the wild passion of fall...
Now they're living in other world and fill themselves good and happy.
Pure nice and complitely beautifull creations living in those VIRGIN WORLD http://go4lolita.com/virgin/
already unaccessible for us.

But we can see them!
And we can try to be closer to their perfectanse of youth.

Free Tour & Join http://go4lolita.com/virgin/

Version: 2.2.0

U3n++OeF3uUIQ7MYi3naE3nYq77+7Yai+q+Oij+QuE77yUuQm7 Uiq+FA3U3ai+Yu
mq3EqInnEiU33UIMi37A7uA+U37B7E7Qm+BEn+IjeMFMA3Yim+ uQyuByAOa3M3Y3
7+yuA3umuyyuQMA7nujmUInBAmunFQ7nE+qE+nuiu++Y++uMy+ iQi7EqIyu+qBIq
miemaI+UEEEIAyje73unaq3iII3yjYO33uM3mjiuMmejn+iauM +F3yFuqQn7eF7M
YiiBmI+37jUuu7UAiAFneA7EQu+e7EUie3BIumun33BI7+OMA+ BqaQeie7U3+AQe
3emUIAAY7YQO+IEUQF+i+7QuaaEFyByYaIiqnqUM3EEnEnnM7Q Y7jI7U3Ye7+Aiy
FAM3yOQnnnAOOnFBEEmIMQUQOyjn73mM3aQEiejumOaeQQi+j+ M3UO+jYF+iFq7i
Qmm+I3Qm3qnF3ijjqAE7QIQI+MaIe7iuFE3Qai73AFjyiAq+Iq 3+ymFF+iI7ByQu
uqyOj37QQmiyeje7aOEnqM3Y7yuIAe73AAeQ7Y7mjEninBMY7I MBUQmnaMFaiM3i
jE+qUMAOIUmU+3+7+I+EOiQ3e3eUj3BA7uiE73+UjaAF3+qnMu E++++iyjBqOyie

here's the spoofed header (as usual):
Received: from mail.**************.com (lonwri001.virtuebroadcasting.com [])
by lsh100.siteprotect.com (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id IAA02897
for ; Fri, 20 Dec 2002 08:19:31 -0600
Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 08:19:31 -0600
Message-Id: <200212201419.IAA02897@lsh100.siteprotect.com>
From: Gray Duglas
To: webmaster@**************.com
Reply-to: Gray Duglas
Subject: Some later they'll know adult life(8224)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
webmaster and producer
Intense NYC DVD
Erotic Glamour Photography

Last edited by heqdvd; 12-20-2002 at 01:25 PM.
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