Originally Posted by Abernathy SixtySix
I started a diet on Feb 19th called the "Best Detox Diet Ever" I lost 22lbs too by April 15 and I have never felt better in my life. I hired a personal trainer and used her 3 times. I did everything she told me to do to this day and I went from a size 6 to a size 1...
Once you pass a certain point it becomes much easier...I love to work out now and eat right. It is all about lifestyle change than Diet... 
Soze 6 to size 1??? You didn't need a diet!!! But if you're happy, that's what counts! Congrats!
I have list 26½ lbs so far in 6 weeks. I am now a size 14 and I want to lose another 40 or 50 lbs. I could never fit in a size one though, I am too tall and big boned. The smallest I could fit in is a size 8 but that's not my goal. I'm not a model, I'm 40 years old, so... A size 10 or 12 would make me happy...
(By the way, on Wednesday, when I passed the 25lbs, I went out and had CHINESE!!! I needed to celebrate!)