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Old 06-16-2008, 11:47 AM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Default Attending shows not as important this year as in others?

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like attending shows is just not as important this year as it's been in years past for business. Maybe it's because I've been so busy actually working that there is no time to get out and talk about it. With 10 years under my belt in this business I think I have seen the trade show circuitimportance peak out. With times so tough right now on everyone to make sales even with higher traffic numbers, it's more of a do game than a talk game. I see business administrators and modesl and 'front people' still mingling but the 'masses' and every day webmasters that used to get out to shows seems to be dwindling, you think?
Or am I just stuck at home too much these days? I see going to one or two of the big ones a year, shwoing your face, keeping important contacts and relationships alive. But after that it's alot of the same and hard to meet 'new' people and do new business the more you do go to.

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