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Old 06-16-2008, 04:24 PM   #1
JFK should edit this
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Talking Cybernet Expo 08 San Francisco, Pictures from F.U.B.A.R.

I usually provide the commentary, but decided this time to let others do the talking.

I just wanted to thank LAJay and Connor Young for putting on one of the best adult expos that I have had the pleasure to attend! Cybernet Expo gave me the opportunity to meet with industry leaders and get a good amount of quality business done.
Bruce - HotHardCash

Hey Guys...just wanted to say THANK YOU for bringing us all to San Fransisco for your show. I had a great time first kicking it off on the CAMZ.COM ANGEL ISLAND SEGWAY TOUR then seeing people at the seminars and XXXIRONMAN events, going to the yummy dinners THANK YOU HOTMOVIES and VEGASKEN) and of course, going to the parties! Wishing you both continued success!
XBiz Kristin

You guys have reinvented Cybernet Expo and the success of this years show is one for the history books.

I will be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect with the new location and new ownership but I have to say, Cybernet Expo 2008 was a resounding success and much biz and potential biz was done.

I wanted to extend great appreciation for the excellent show which LAJ and Conner put on over the last few days. NETbilling has been a big supporter of Cybernet for years and think that these boys really worked hard to put together a great show for everyone
Mitch - Net Billing

All in all nice show. Solid business. Saw friends both new and old for the first time one those that I seldom see. This marks the first D$ event that I have ever attended and I will be the first to say they got it right.

That Rock the Ball was off the hook! I could not stop dancing. Everytime I went to go sit down I found myself up dancing again.

I just wanted to thank the Kink guys for a great party last night! It was very cool of you guys to open your doors to the attendees of Cybernet, and play host to a great closing night party at the armory!
Dark Circus

Check out the pics !
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