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Old 06-16-2008, 04:42 PM   #1
Platinum Chris
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Default Lesborama - First of 50 New Web 2.0 Sites from Platinum Bucks

Lesborama - First of 50 New Web 2.0 Sites from Platinum Bucks

Diorama (di.o.ram.a) - A three-dimensional miniature or life-size scene in which figures, stuffed wildlife, or other objects are arranged in a naturalistic setting against a painted background.

Lesborama (les.bo.ram.a) - A Web 2.0 tour for seamless surfer enjoyment in which Dionysian beauties and pussies stuffed with different objects are arranged with the latest web technologies on a stunningly designed page.
The Platinum Bucks crew has laboured long and hard, knuckle-deep in the depths of Mount Poon, to capture the essence of lesbian desire.

Fresh out of intensive testing we are launching Lesborama - the first in a long line of new and improved Platinum Bucks properties designed to appeal to modern surfers accustomed to the convenience of the latest Internet trends.

Slick layouts, backed by up to $40 Per Signup or 80% Revshare, great tools and unmatched webmaster support. Platinum Bucks has the sure-fire way to take the edge of those Summer Slowdown blues - with 50 more new sites just around the corner, watch this space.
Coming up next:
Signup now, or contact your Platinum Bucks affiliate manager to get started:
Platinum Bryan, ICQ 302-999-591
Platinum Chris, ICQ 452-693-463
JayDeeZee, ICQ 332-476-407
ICQ 452-693-563

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