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Then Check out Digital Playground Cash
Digital Playground is taking great strides to bring you some of the highest quality porn star content available both online and off. In the past weeks we have been busy adding tonnes new marketing materials as well as overall improvements the quantity & quality of what is being sold.
Digital Playground is committed to releasing all future movies simultaneously on Blu-Ray(TM) and DVD. In addition will shooting with Red Digital Cameras. This means by the time the movies hit our members area, the quality is already high resolution.
In the coming weeks we will be launchng a new Jesse Jane site, a site built specifically for iphone users and galleries for the iPhone as well. I bet it woudl rock to be able to offer your surfers high quality images and video to their iPhone.
Check out the sig, sign up if you are not promoting DPCash, and if you are, we just added a tonne more FHGs you can use to promote.