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Old 06-30-2008, 11:05 AM   #1
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Default Political Correctness has gone waaaay to far

There's political correctness and then there's what happened in a school in a place called Lund, Sweden last week. And it just might make you wonder how far is too far.

School officials have confiscated the party invitations an 8-year-old boy was handing out to his classmates. Why would they do such a thing?

The reason is that he failed to invite two of the kids in his class, and authorities there claim there are specific rules against discrimination that they're not allowed to break. So they ordered the lad to stop doling them out on campus.

The youngster's father is outraged by the red tape, explaining his son didn't include the pair because one bullied him and the other excluded him from his own recent birthday party.

The mad dad has filed a complaint with local officials, complaining the school has taken things too far. "My son has taken it very hard," he told a local newspaper. "It's like taking someone's mail."

The ombudsman's decision about what to do on the issue will be made before September 8th - although there's no word on whether that's before or after the kid's actual birthday



Was waiting for the breaking point in this, hasn't come yet but soon. Canadians are no different honestly when it comes to sucking up to the minorities - face it - in politics you can't please everyone. You are put there to make the best judgment for EVERYONE, not just the few.

Skype: robjameswarren

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fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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