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Old 07-02-2008, 09:27 AM   #1
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Default What do you do to celebrate Canada Day or the 4th of July?

What do you do to celebrate Canada Day or the 4th of July?

Do Canadians have off on Canada day? How do you guys celebrate?

In years past 4th of July meant a party at my parents house or down on the beach, good food, friends, family, fireworks in the street after sun down. Little kids running around with sparklers, reckless teenagers pointing roman candles at one another, adults setting off mortars for everyone to ooh and ahh at. Some years we BBQ at the beach and watch the fireworks they'd set off the shore. It was easiest to get a hotel so kids could get out of the sun and shower and stuff, and avoid traffic.
Now away from my friends and family, we will be having a small bbq at home, crashing the neighbors pool who will be out of town, and lighting some fireworks in the bedrom

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