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Old 07-02-2008, 11:06 AM   #1
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Default Does liking porn make a chick hotter?

I came across this article today and it brought up a few points:

Increasing number of women actually like porn.
  • The "by-product of the rise of porn star as the new 'it' female profession."
  • "Popular culture promotes the wild fun and whimsy of the girl who loves pornography." - This means that women with a predilection for pornography do not actually experience sexual satisfaction from watching it, but rather from attracting men by announcing that they are one of those X-rated "wild fun" girls.
  • Women's porn-watching is a sexual performance, the equivalent of a faked operatic orgasm.
  • Women enjoy porn because it's the equivalent of a strip tease -- something that turns her on only because it turns him on.
  • Women only enjoy porn with a story line - they need romance, kissing, foreplay, etc (an assumption that offends the author of this article)

So is this true? Do chicks think porn is cool or say they like it just because it's what guys want to hear (kind of like saying they like football)? Is it all just an act? Or are there chicks out there that really get off on gonzo porn?

I find that women are either offended or empowered by porn. It can go both ways and often does at the same time. To each their own, every women will like a different type of porn depending on their sexual mood, but it defintiely is not always wanting an "xrated version of a lifetime movie".

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