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Old 07-09-2008, 11:10 PM   #11
Virgule3 is in love!
I shoot nekkid people
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I'm here, just not completely here... I've been on one of those social strikes of mine... My friends don't see me much anymore, I just lurk on the net, don't participate much in anything... I guess I have just been feeling "low"...

I'm still on my diet, I have lost 30 lbs so far and it shows. The weather's been crappy here, and it really affects me. I'm still single, feeling really bad about it too. Everyone around me is getting hooked, even the people I know who are bad news, so I'm pretty much left all by myself, but in a way it's okay.

I have started packing boxes, I'm moving to my new house on July 31st. I'm actually excited about that. I'm going to do major renovations to the house too. My friend who is an architect is going to design some special stuff for me and do part of my decoration too. He is awesome.

I'm most probably also going to buy a spa. I'm excited about that. Maybe it will help me relax and feel a bit better? Anyway, spending always makes me feel better...

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