X Nations - View Single Post - Jack Nicholson 'Furious' Over Heath Ledger Playing The Joker In 'Dark Knight'
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Old 07-10-2008, 12:02 PM   #2
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
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What a Dick, doesn't he see that they were taking a completely different route for the movie all together. They are trying to bring it back to the dark days, the edgyness.

Jack played a good joker, but it was to upbeat, I believe in the original comic books he was much more sinister & psychopathic as he seems to be as played by heath so far in the previews.

It's alright he's just a bit bitter he didn't get some extra coin in his pocket. I doubt he's even seen the last batman. It seems as if he is grouping in the last film with the ones before it which shouldn't be grouped together at all. The latest films are a completely new take on the story, to restore them to the glory Batman once had.

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