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Old 07-16-2008, 06:14 PM   #1
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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Default Madness Pictures Goes Online

Madness Pictures.com

This is a labour of love for me... Over the last 8 mos I have worked most of my personal time developing and designing the site for close friend and talented director Andre Madness

Madness Pictures is a showcase of the DVDs Madness shot over the last 5 yrs. Titles such as Ass Driven, Valley Girls and 13 Cum Hungry Cocksuckers are part of his extensive arsenal of movies and sure to increase sales.

User's can watch scenes or download the full movie. Check out behind the scenes clips, interviews with the stars and some other great treats They also get great access to movies he has shot with other companies.

You may know the Work of Madness if you are familiar with Adam & Eve titles, the Huslter Barely Legal series or New Sensations. He has shot some of the hottest stars in Porn Valley and will continue to shoot more exclusive web content for Madness Pictures.

With the soft launch we will now focus on building out the affiliate site. However you can sign up and join to promote Madness.

We are all set up with Epoch and Netbilling for processing. Webmasters will be paid 50% on all Rev share sales and 25.00 per sign up.

Creative is coming but if you sign up and need something galleries, banners, text links anything, give me a shout and I will make it so captain.

Watch for the upcoming full launch of Madness Pictures.com including a complete affiliate program @Madnesspays.com coming soon!
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