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Old 07-19-2008, 12:34 PM   #5
painful should edit this
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I'm, hangin in. Today is better. I decided instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself I am completely turning around my life. Kinda like a Seinfeld episode when George does the opposite of what he usually does. I am selling my motorcycle, getting a new car, selling my business stuff, going back to school (only have 2 years to go for my Bachelors in International (anti) terrorism studies), and the most important one is my health. I am 5'11" and 185 pounds. I am not fat, but I have belly fat. I have been working out daily for the last few days and it makes me feel really good. I eat better (no more fast food or soda or refined sugar) and I am taking vitamins and Ginko Biloba. I need to be a better person, not that I was ever a bad person, I'm a very affectionate and divoted husband but maybe that wasn't enough.

Anyway, I just need to dump my business stuff, so if anyone is interested, I have everything for sale, even my website. I put in about $2000 into the website, but I want to get rid of everything and start fresh. If anyone has the ambition to run a site that is all fully functional and also get the other 4 domain, I'll sell everything for $500. I just need to concentrate on me and the site just sits there doing nothing. No customers, but I have had a lot of traffic over the last few weeks, but probably because I was using google adwords, lol.

Anyway, if anyone is interested just IM me on Yahoo at airman_sauerland

Thanks everyone

The road to success is different for everyone. For me, it's in desperate need of repair.

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