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Old 07-22-2008, 03:55 PM   #1
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Default Gas Woes.........Really?

I notice all the media hype, every night a story about Gas this and that. Oh gas theft has gone up, they make it sound like a newly found crime wave or something. People siphoning gas right form your tanks while you are at work or sleeping. People are vacationing in their back yards, road trips are down, people aren't driving, SUV's aren't selling etc etc always those "people".

Obviously this is effecting the bottom line for many, but vacationing in their back yards? Friday at 5PM the highways out of Toronto up to cottage country is jammed packed for miles in gridlock of those getting out of the city for the weekend and it's like that week after week till labor day weekend. I know Montreal is the same heading up to the Laurentians on Friday.
I still see tons of SUV's on the road.. I don't see alot of price drops of second hand SUV's for sale. People generally have to drive to Golf courses..their business is'nt down.

Maybe it's just what I'm seeing but could this be why gas prices will continue to climb.. until people actually do park the car and vacation in their back yards?
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