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Old 07-22-2008, 04:38 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default house I viewed yesterday

I noticed a house on the crescent behind us for sale so I called and arranged for a viewing yesterday. The landscaping looked as though it hadn't been touched in a couple years but otherwise a nice looking home.

The kicker is that it was busted by the police last month as a grow-op! Crazy that kind of thing going on right in our community. The interior of the house was a bit of a wreck. Holes in the walls, water damage and really dirty. A lot of work and money to get it back up to par.

But the basement was something to see. Extremely humid and still a slight smell of the plants that were once there. Not to mention enough electricity to power a small town.

Might be a good house to flip. I'm thinking about it.

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