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Old 07-30-2008, 10:08 AM   #5
HeavenLeeGoddess is Sexy Goddess
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I have 2 babies myself and I am back down to my 115lb size once again, and my daughter is only 6months old. I don't really exercise, I get all my exercise from chaseing my 3yr old boy around and cleaning and doing house work and all the fun mom things there are.I never wanted to get back down to 115 but I guess thats just the way my body is. I guess I am just blessed

But what these celebs are doing is crazy. I might be thin but I'm not just skin and bones. I do have meat to mine. No matter if its for work or not no one should do what they do. There are some celebs that do work out and are still able to take care of their kids.

But thats my 2cents.

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