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Old 07-31-2008, 10:40 PM   #1
RD_Shane is editing audio
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Default It's been a while now...

I stopped posting pretty much every where to devote my time to my new endeavor. Hell I'm not even sure any one will remember me these days...
Any who
My partner and I (Oceania) finally have our project all together and are ready to really promote it hard. I'm looking forward to getting time to post again and catch up on all the stuff I've missed out on during my long hiatus from the board.
So what's takes so damn long to put together? Internet radio baby! We have launched a crossover internet radio station with both adult and mainstream content. Our goal is to help bring porn and mainstream together in a whole new way. I'm really excited about the project and we had killer comments during Cybernet Expo. And I am looking forward to Internext quite a bit.
Right now I'm looking forward to reconnecting with people I know and getting to know new people as well.

I hope every one is doing well with their projects!

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