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Old 08-01-2008, 08:16 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie View Post
I've been seeing these 3 week post partum celebrity moms working out and looking like they never had a baby and it is a bit disturbing. First of all, most doctors won't clear 'normal people' for exercise or even sex until 6 weeks post partum. Secondly it often takes 6 weeks or more for your uterus to return to normal size, 9 months to lose the weight it ook 9 months to put on, etc.

My concern is for teens that lately seem to be thinking pregnancy is 'cool' and your body suffers no permenant changes because of it. I know everyone is different but thinking you can get on a treadmill or back to the gym when your baby is 2 weeks old and look back to 'normal' a month later sounds like a recipe for post partum depression and an unhealthy self image.

I may be a teensy bit jealous being that pregnancy really changed how my body works and I'll be on meds forever because of it
You don't realise it now Cyn, but your body is more beautiful than it's ever been...Look at what you created. I know what you mean, now I have hips I never had before and more curves, but I embrace it, I really feel like a woman not a "girl". These celebrities have personal trainers, chefs and nothing else to do (they don't lack sleep from the arrival of the new baby they have nannies) My advise is take your time losing the baby weight or it will creep back up FAST! I was really nervous the first few months as a new Mom and lost more than the weight I had put on during the pregnancy. It came back quickly. I don't know what meds you're on (I had a bad post partum so I had to take anti depressant and that made me gain lot's of weight) I'm sure you look beautiful Cyn, were always harsher critics on ourselves.
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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