Thanks FunB
I had postpartum hypothryoidism on worse, it completely shut down

My metabolism burned out basically so my body isn't metabolizing fats correctly. The meds have helped me feel better (I felt like I was run over by a truck for 4 months and kept getting sick, but I chalked it up to having a newborn that didn't sleep through the night). Turns out it was a major issue. But it hasn't helped me lose any pregnancy weight. I gained a total of 40lbs, I still have 30 to lose

My sister has the same problem and no matter how much you exercise or diet ifyour body can process protiens correctly or metabilize fats its not going to make an iota of difference. Once things are leveled off I'm going to talk to my dr about weight loss options.. diet pills are out b/c they screw with your levels even more.