Originally Posted by Cyndalie
I wasn't referring to anything extreme, just like "ugh".
I don't mind rough sex and most stuff, but some of these girls I can't believe passed an AIM test, they have more pimples on their ass than a teenager working fry at mcdonalds. One chicks cunt was bleeding and what does the camera do...zooom!! eeww! the bruises on the thighs and ass always do it for me lemme tell you... Just nasty shit and people you'd look at and the LAST thing you'd think is 'boy I wanna fuck that'.
I know exactly what you mean,while at the same time some consumers find that this is just their "zing". Makes it "real"...
At the same time, please don't take offense, but my ex-wife among other women I've known who had babies had such weird hormonal post pregnancy hormonal situations that Big Macs would turn them on, and my wrinkly ball sack suddenly turned them off...
Could it be post-partem grossoutus?