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Old 12-22-2002, 11:38 PM   #1
druid should edit this
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Default Big hello from druid

maybe some people know me already, I'm not a big poster at all, but seems some 'Loch' convinced me to use the messageboards more...

for these people who don't know me, let's just start

I'm from germany, 22 years old, started out in 98 i think back to the condom board days... then did some design work, finished my edu, got taken away from the army for about 9 months, and now slowly coming back to earn some money again (which I almost fully lost while in the arm)

so, here I am

currently i'm working on some 'stuff' which involves a lot of international surfers and how to convert them ( including working on an affiliate program :>>

so, what about you, you or YOU!
<a href="http://www.lunetics.com/design"><img src="http://www.lunetics.com/lunbut_s.gif"><br>Lunetics Hyperdesign</a>

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