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Old 08-13-2008, 02:38 PM   #6
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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If I was American I'd be very dispirited by the last two elections, wherein the first (2000) was apparently stolen and the second in 2004 was also similarly corrupted (while Bush had the highest turnout any incumbent in history, it seems Kerry had the highest vote count of any opposing candidate, the highest Democrat Vote ever and more votes than Bush - considering the error margin between the recounts, voting computers and vote registrations being cancelled because non-existing jail sentences and unpaid traffic ticket records, for example).

I would go with Cynthia McKinney or Obama, seeing as I'd be in the system and had to use it and have *some* faith in it.

Also, If i was in Florida I would move to some place they don't use software vote machines lol...

But never would I vote for a guy like McBain, McBush or whatever you wanna call the guy who's probably going to win the next one anyway... FightTheGoat!

Actually the only thing good about McCain if you ask me is that he's not a chickenhawk like the entire current administration... you'd think he'd have a little more sympathy for the troops though.
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