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Old 08-13-2008, 02:42 PM   #12
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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I am not voting this November.

We have a choice between McCain or Obama.

If it was McCain eight years ago, I'd vote for him. He was full of fire then. However, we shouldn't be voting people into office that might die at any given moment. If they have multiple medical problems, etc, they shouldn't be voted into office. McCain's most recent ad says "Who's going to answer the phone at the White House at 3am? Obama?". The truth is more like "Who's gonna answer the phone at 3am? McCain? He'll either be sound asleep or have a heart attack".

Obama isn't much better. I don't think he has the balls to pull it off.

The problem is we need an outsider in the White House - someone who hasn't worked for the Government before, someone who will change things. For the life of me I fail to understand how in the world we have lobbyists in Washing DC - It's really nothing more than a bribe.

I'm currently reading Charlie Wilson's War... Did you know that when a Congressman goes to another country on a sponsored trip they are given cash to cover "expenses". Seriously. According to this book they land at the airport and they are given cash the moment they land.

Our entire government needs to be changed.

So no, I'm not voting this year.
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