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Old 08-13-2008, 03:35 PM   #19
JoeD should edit this
Citizen X
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Good topic Chris - and it will generate some interesting commentary on this diverse community board -

Everyone who has the privilege to vote should exercise it - even if that means voting on all the candidates for your local, state and national positions - and abstaining from the presidential choice -

An important point to note is how many people abstained in the 1992, 2000, and 2004 elections, and then were so regretful when it was proven just how meaningful a few votes could be - Personally, I think Senator Obama is a politician down with the 'best' of them and is not ready to be president of the United States, and I predict that Senator McCain is only interested in one term - I think we may be very surprised at his VP choice.

I wish Colin Powell had run but he's too smart and his family doesn't want it. We need someone in the White House who stands and speaks for him/herself. We knew Dick Cheney stood behind GW Bush and we did it anyway, and I don't think I want to know who stands behind Senator Obama - I'll give Senator McCain the benefit of the doubt, he might be business as usual, or he just might decide to make his four years really count for something - coin toss on that one.

The bureaucracy has deteriorated to the point where DC is paralyzed and putting a wet finger to the wind to determine legislative direction [ie: Speaker Pelosi now caving on drilling]. Our Congress is equally responsible for the current fiscal, economic, foreign relations and leadership debacles we are facing.

I ask you - Who in their right mind would run for the job? They all have to be a little crazy...
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