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Old 08-13-2008, 05:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
So no, I'm not voting this year.
Rochard, it saddens me to see this. Not just from you but because I've heard this from a lot of people.

Any of you guys who feel this way have to realize that every person who didn't vote in the last election because they felt cheated in the election before basically voted for Bush. Everyone who had bright eyed romantic views of breaking the tradition of a two party system and voted for Nader, gave a vote to Bush. And now, everyone who hates the state of our country today who refuses to vote is voting for McCain.

This election is Obama vs. McCain and like it or not, you vote. Everyone votes. It will be an uphill climb for Obama if the same people will be pulling the same crap to get a Republican in the White House to rape our country for four more years until there is nothing left. So if you refrain from voting or if you vote for someone other than Obama and McCain, then you are, in a sense, voting for McCain.
Don Mike
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