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Old 08-15-2008, 07:31 AM   #1
oceania should edit this
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Unhappy do you use a moisturizer?

according to Rutgers University in New Jersey, researchers applied the moisturizer to lab rats five days a week for four months.

The moisturized animals developed non-melanoma skin cancer more quickly than other creatures and had up to twice as many tumors.

The tumors were also bigger, the Journal of Investigative Dermatology reports.

good news this same test was preformed with the application of a custom-made cream, which lacked several ingredients, including mineral oil and the chemical sodium lauryl sulphate, did not affect the tumour development.
Moisturisers used by millions of women every day could increase risk of skin cancer

i am going to go through my drawer of creams now - damn just when you thought you were doing a good things for your skin -
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