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Old 08-15-2008, 12:13 PM   #26
Rochard should edit this
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Originally Posted by DonMike View Post
Rochard, it saddens me to see this. Not just from you but because I've heard this from a lot of people.

Any of you guys who feel this way have to realize that every person who didn't vote in the last election because they felt cheated in the election before basically voted for Bush. Everyone who had bright eyed romantic views of breaking the tradition of a two party system and voted for Nader, gave a vote to Bush. And now, everyone who hates the state of our country today who refuses to vote is voting for McCain.

This election is Obama vs. McCain and like it or not, you vote. Everyone votes. It will be an uphill climb for Obama if the same people will be pulling the same crap to get a Republican in the White House to rape our country for four more years until there is nothing left. So if you refrain from voting or if you vote for someone other than Obama and McCain, then you are, in a sense, voting for McCain.
I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils. Not gonna happen.

I also don't believe in a two party system. Washington DC is no longer about the people, it's about one party beating the other party. They are no longer doing what's in the best interests for the country, but instead what's in the best interests for their party.

What most of these politicians are doing would be illegal outside of Washington. If I was to take $12mil of tax payer money and build a bridge that lead to no where, I would be put in prison.

Everyone is quick to point to Bush for our problems. And let's face it, he has been the worst US President in a long, long time. But no US President has faced what the US has faced in sixty years - 9/11 was huge for us. Iraq? I don't have any issues with this; The next time a third world Muslim country looks at us the wrong way we should bitch smack them (hard too). We are not in Iraq for oil; We are in Iraq because we wanted a full time base in the Middle East.

As for the economic issues, well, we brought this on ourselves. I'm guilty too. When my house in Phoenix doubled in value in two years and I sold it walking away with a $250k profit, well, I'm one of the guilty ones. (Then again, my house here in Sacramento has lost nearly 50% of it's value.) When times were good we didn't save for when times were bad, and everyone should know by now that all of this goes in cycles, every 7-10 years. They were writing bad loans and they knew it; The public was taking on these bad loans and they knew it too.

I don't think Obama or Mccain has the balls to do what is needed.

And what we need to do is rather simple really. Here's a start....

Stop all foreign aid! For the love of god, can someone explain to me why we sending aid to Russia, Korea, and dozens of other counties? We are sending billions of dollars a year to Israel - Why? (I understand that Israel has a big fat target painted on them, but we send more aid to Israel on a yearly basis than all other countries combined and have for decades.) I bet we send "aid" to Iran too.
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