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Old 08-18-2008, 07:34 AM   #11
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Right up before the summer, I was in great shape. Then I said fuck it and been eating lots of ice cream, pizza , BBQ and what not during the summer. I gained a little. All that is going to get burned through my regular "intensive care" routine. ;-)

Which basically means, no eating shitty food. Good food only. Keep carbs on the low. Mostly slow carbs. Protein up high as usual (since Im always weight training) - and important: lots of cardio.

I usually need about 6 weeks to get back to super shape again, and this means running 5 times per week (30 min sessions), and weight training 3-4 times per week.

if you need any tips.. I say cut down on any bad food. Dont even keep them in the house. If you do not have them available in your house, chances are you wont be eating them either.. :-) So eat good food, and "normal" portions. Try to eat less carbs. And when you do, go whole grain if you can. For example, instead of eating "regular pasta" or white bread, you could eat whole grain pasta or dark bread. Once you eat the right kind of food, and the right amount - youre on your way. And also important: to do some form of physical exercise.

The combo of eating well and moving your body.. Should pay off. :-)

Loosing weight and getting in shape is really about slowly spending more calories than you are eating. So lets say you Spend 2400 (just a number) each day, and only eat 2000 - that means your body needs to use your fat deposits for energy (thus burning fat). So eating good and moving your body is key.

And ofcourse there are tons of other benefits to physical exercise and eating well other than simply loosing weight.. :-)

If you do not have the chance to go to a fitness center, you can go out for a walk or run or you could get a treadmill or stationary bike at home.

There are also some great DVD´s which focuses on teaching yoga, pilates, etc. Those are actually fun to learn at home, which you can practice any time of the day.

Sorry for the long post.. Hope it helps. :-)

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