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Old 08-19-2008, 09:38 AM   #17
Cyndalie is not it.
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I just bought a Wii Fit, it should arrive tomorrow, so hopefully that will be fun and motivating and help track my progress.

As for eating, I eat healthy but I eat all the wrong types of foods - I love red meats, potatoes, starches, breads, etc. A typical meal is a 6oz steak with a side of veggies, and a side of rice or noodles or other starch. I need to eliminate the starch I think. I don't keep shit food in the house - maybe sunchips or wheat thins. Not a big snacker unless you give me a box of cheezeits

I think my weakness is eating out - crabcakes, taco salads, etc.

Thanks for all your replies!

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