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Old 08-19-2008, 01:29 PM   #15
Virgule3 is in love!
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Originally Posted by BruceMiller View Post
When Anna got pregnant I gained nearly 40 pounds, and it was terrible getting it back off. I balloned up to 230lbs during her pregnancy.

I started working out slowly, a few times a week, then it gradually became 6 days a week, then I added cardio 3 of those days, I've lost 30 of the 40, but in much better shape than I've been in for years. It took nearly 1.5 years to get to where I'm at now, just so you have a time reference.

Overall, I think some people set huge goals, and want to accomplish them in too short of a time, then end up depressed and give up. With exercise, and fitness it really needs to be a long term comitment. And if you set small goals, and just get to them before you move on to the next goal, I personally think it's easier to stick to your overall plan.

Ok, let me get this right... SHE was pregnant and YOU gained the weight???? what the fuck???


Just teasing you Bruce...


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