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Old 09-10-2008, 10:54 AM   #5
TheEnforcer is Buy advertising from me NOW!
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A site that actually has people in smaller cities/markets is HUGE. Take a state like WI. If all people see are people from the bigger cities like Madison and Milwaukee there really isn't any point in joining if you live, say in northern WI. There needs to be people from all over and a decent enough amount of them. In other words, Appleton, Green Bay, Stevens Point, Wausau, Eau Claire, Oshkosh, LaCrosse, etc. And those are soem of the larger ones and college towns. Bonus points if you have a decent amount from smaller towns like Wisconsin Dells, Rhinelander, etc that are smaller.

This applies for every state cause the smaller markets being left out in the cold really misses a HUGE percentage of the population. people in smaller towns get freaky too. LOL

Also, people can oftentimes look at people in the profiles, some by looks, some by background scenery and much by what is written, and get a feel of whether the profiles are REALLY from their area.

Disclaimer: I don't own any websites other than the one in my sig which is not a content or surfer related site. This is from past expereience a while back and my opinion on the matter if I were to start promoting content sites. So take it for what you will but you asked so I answered. :>))
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