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Old 09-24-2008, 08:44 PM   #7
rearfocus should edit this
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We scrutinized both sample videos taken by dpreview.com from the Nikon d90 and the new Canon. Although the original picture quality from the Nikon was pretty good (good sized sensor and can use good lenses), the compression that was used on the videos was pretty bad. And the rolling shutter effect doesn't help either ( http://s477.photobucket.com/albums/r...t=DSC_0012.flv ).

The Canon has better compression from what we have seen. The rolling shutter effect is still present but we don't have access to such an extreme example as the Nikon one so it's hard to judge...

It's a no brainer that at 1000$ the Nikon d90 obliterates any given regular camera. And we can't really compare the image quality between the Nikon and Canon cause they are two different models not playing the the same leagues.

Can't wait to see the next generations! Hoping they will fix the rolling shutter soon!!!

Do you take a lot of pics Vid?
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