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Old 09-29-2008, 12:22 PM   #4
Vid Vicious
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie View Post
It seem with affiliate rep jobs it's not so much what you know but who you know, Given that most are low salary commission based jobs. If you have video and content editing under your skill set you could try to work with a large program in a remote position, even as a content manager (buying, 2257, etc) given your level of experience.

Personally you may want to get involved with editing and encoding videos for web, including flash. It may be higher paying and is not a common skill set.
Content mangement is something that does interest me .. and is something I m sure I would excell in ...

Originally Posted by Evil Chris
If I had your skills, I would be shooting for TSN or the CBC.
Have you considered returning to that type of work?
Been there done that .. for both of those networks too. I've been contiplating returning to broadcast. I've got some meetings set up this week with some of my old contacts in that bussiness

Originally Posted by Magnus3X
I have to say Vid, you are in the prime of skill set for the Web right now and extremely in demand. Mainstream and video is still a monster growing trend with no end in site as the advertising dollar shifts from TV to Web for rich media content. Not to mention the mobile video market which is growing as well.
I'de almost start a mainstream version of your content business.. and try and land some big contracts with some ad agencies in Mtl, Toronto and NYC. Every mainstream company wants video ads for Viral purposes and for flash ads etc.
I like the way you think . this sounds super interesting to me .. a few months back I actually did shoot some promotional and commercial stuff for an Adult Toy comapany, to help them introduce they're new products online.

Don't dispair. I ve got several projects on the go and am in Development for some very exciting projects .. it's just been super slow these days and I'm looking for some extra income inorder to finance my other development projects.
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