Originally Posted by Funbrunette
Every where  I'm looking for "Wii Fit" and it's IMPOSSIBLE to find. I guess I'll go the old fashion way and hop on my beloved treadmill or take the pooch for a loooooong walk. I just HATE gyms and the people it attracts, I'm not there to show off I'm there to work on my fitness and get the hell out. NO I don't need help! The best are the guys that keep checking themselves in the mirror
So if you know where to get one....Hit me up. I'll have a reward for you! *wink*
ROFLMAO .. GO TO THE GYM ... Be happy that these buff boys are checkin you out .. your a hottie enjoy it ...
.. I've been doin the ol work out now for the last month .. and I'm really starting to get into it .. And umm no . I'm not one of those guys that stairs at the women .. I've seen them and find that to be quite insulting. But I must say when your working out and your starting to see results .. THE MIRROR becomes your best friend !
the pecs are cummin in nicely