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Old 10-02-2008, 08:59 AM   #4
DragonKing should edit this
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From a Paysite /Program owner's perspective, Cross sales are good and a major way to make the bottom line. When you see programs paying out $75-$100 payouts, they are relying on these cross sales, Exit sales and member upsales to make up for this as well as member retention.

That being said, It should be done right. I dont believe in pre-checked, hidden or dodgy cross sales. That is just bad business for everyone in the long run.

From an Affiliate point of view, and so many overlook such simple math. If you are not using a revshare program, you are not making your full potential.
Why be an affiliate when you can actually be a partner?

Would I use a program that is doing cross sales? Yes if they are doing it the right way. There are even some that payout on them. I'd look for one of them first.

Thats my pre-coffee 2 cents
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